Now I would love to eat that just as you are, and after I make you squirt hard in my face I would pound that pussy deep and hard. When we have finished our sexy fun I will take you along with me to our very exclusive club and share you with six of my friends, one of who has a very large cock. His name just happens to be Tony and we refer to him as donkey Tony due to the size of his extra large cock. I think if you let all the other guys fuck you first you would be able to take the Donkey xxx. Wish I was able to give my hard cock to your wife deep inside her playful pussy and fill her hot vagina with my creamy seed while you watch. Wish I was your unconditional friend to let me have your sexy wife on her own bed any time I want. I'd love that so much as you watch me fuck your lovely wife. Id be really cool if my cock pic was on the screen behind her. Like a tribute. Do you like tribute pics of your wife. I'd be happy to cum on her. Love to lick that pussy first, then stuff her with my throbbing cock! VERY Sexy! Mmm my head should be between those lovely legs licking your beautiful pussy xxxx.
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